The Hadiah Warisan (Heritage Prize) is a premier award recognising the artistic excellence of an arts practitioner or activist as well as their contribution and commitment to enriching the practice, discourse and thought leadership for the Malay arts and heritage sector. Each recipient will be presented with a project grant worth $3,500. This will support the recipient’s projects (research, exhibition, art installations, musical showcases, etc.) that showcase the work and contribution of cultural icons from the Malay community, the arts and cultural practices from the Malay world that are inscribed in UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List of Humanity, or any other relevant themes/topics. This facilitates knowledge transfer, fills existing knowledge gaps and enhances thought leadership for the Malay arts and heritage sector.
The Tunas Warisan (Special Mention Award) will be awarded to a young arts practitioner or activist below the age of 35 years old, whose artistic achievement and commitment have distinguished themselves from their peers and show potential to be the next generation of cultural leaders for the Malay arts and heritage sector. It encourages young practitioners and/or activists to pursue arts excellence and inspire others. The recipient will be presented with a project grant worth $2,000 to continue artistic pursuits and enhance portfolio documentation.
These accolades will be awarded biannually to art practitioners and/or activists in the following areas:
(i) Visual Arts
(ii) Performative Arts (for e.g. dance, theatre, bangsawan, dikir barat)
(iii) Sculpture and Installations
(iv) Music (both traditional and contemporary)
(v) Intangible Cultural Heritage (customs and tradition/adat, culinary heritage, arts and crafts, etc
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
The nomination process involves an open call to the public on 31 May 2023 and ends before 5.00 pm on 31 August 2023.
The nominee for the Hadiah Warisan would have their discourse or documentation efforts in the following formats:
- Publications and published works (with relevant ISBN);
- Videos (short films, documentaries, TV programmes, etc.) that have been broadcasted on local, regional or international platforms or showcased at local, regional or international film festivals. Favourable mentions, nominations, and/or winning awards at these platforms would be a plus point but not a prerequisite;
- These works would have been published between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2022, either in English or Malay.
For the Tunas Warisan award, the eligibility criteria are as follows: –
- An art practitioner or activist who has been actively contributing to the arts and heritage sector for at least five years
- Aged 35 years and below
- Shows promise and leadership potential
You may nominate someone by downloading this Nomination Form and submitting it online to secretariat@mhf.org.sg by 31 August 2023. After the online submission, please arrange for the following documents to be sent to the Malay Heritage Foundation (MHF) office before 5.00 pm on 31 August 2023:
- A printed copy of the Nomination Form, signed by you and your nominee; and
- Two (2) sets of nominee’s portfolios.
The package should be marked as follows:
Attention: Nomination for Hadiah Warisan and Tunas Warisan
The Malay Heritage Foundation
1 Engku Aman Turn #04-08
Wisma Geylang Serai
Singapore 408528
You may send your enquiries to secretariat@mhf.org.sg or contact Muhammad Fadli Idris at 6299-5503.
Sharing Session
A sharing session on Hadiah Warisan and how to submit your portfolio documentation via Zoom was held on 9 April 2021 at 5.30 pm. Riduan Zalani (Recipient of Young Artist Awards 2015) and co-founder of NADI Singapura shared his experience and best practices for portfolio submission. You may view the video .
Please stay tuned to this page or our Facebook page for updates.
Hadiah Warisan Fund
The Hadiah Warisan, established in 2021, is a premier award recognising the artistic excellence of an arts practitioner or activist as well as his/her contribution and commitment to enriching the practice, discourse and thought leadership for the Malay arts and heritage sector. This fund is set up to support the recipients of Hadiah Warisan and Tunas Warisan to embark on projects that will make a positive impact on Singapore’s arts and cultural development and engage the broader community through public talks, workshops, exhibitions, installations, showcases, and so on. The fund can also be used to enhance the portfolio documentation of the recipient.
Each Hadiah Warisan recipient can access up to $3,500, and each Tunas Warisan recipient will get up to $2,000 to support projects that meet the Fund’s objectives. This amount could be used for single or multiple projects over the recipient’s lifetime.
You, too, can be part of this movement to nurture our next generation of cultural leaders, ambassadors and advocates by donating to this fund. Your donation will be entitled to a 2.5% tax exemption and matched one-for-one by the Cultural Matching Fund.
You can make an online transfer to:
- DBS Bank Account No: 033-020835-9
- PayNow to UEN: 199904358R. (Please indicate Hadiah Warisan Fund and kindly provide your full name and NRIC/FIN under the Remarks section. This information is needed for tax exemption).
Alternatively, you may also channel your donation online here.
Useful Links
- Hadiah Warisan & Tunas Warisan Information Kit
- Kit Maklumat Hadiah Warisan & Tunas Warisan
- Hadiah Warisan & Tunas Warisan Sharing Session with Riduan Zalani (NADI Singapura)