Book Publications
In order to optimise resources and potential collaboration with multi-agency stakeholders, MHF has embarked on two modalities of production for its publications. The first modality will be based on works commissioned to specific writers. Two (2) key publications have been produced and published under this modality.
Malay Heritage of Singapore (Warisan Melayu Singapura)
The first publication entitled, “Malay Heritage of Singapore” was published in 2011. This book aims to provide a substantive account of major aspects of Malay life in Singapore, drawing upon a rich history and regional ethnic cultures that shaped the Malay community. Researched essays provide valuable insights into important moments in Malay history, while other chapters describe the rich cultural achievements of the Malays…. Read More >
Siri Melayu Singapura: Warisan dan Pusaka Kita
The second set of commissioned works is a serial publication entitled, “Singapore Malays: Our History and Legacy”. It is hoped that the books produced under this series would also be used by upper secondary schools and above to enhance the younger generation’s awareness of the community. To encourage reflection and discussion, the book will also contain a list of references and bibliographies. Illustrations, quotes and relevant pictures may be included to add variety to the written text format… Read More >
Narrating Presence: Awakening from Cultural Amnesia by Azhar Ibrahim
This book investigates and raises questions on the background and social-historical conditionings that had shaped and coloured Malay thinking and worldview, from the past to contemporary thought. The author had endeavoured to fathom the thinking and soul of the society concerned through its literary heritage and letters… Read More >
Potret Puisi Melayu Singapura oleh Isa Kamari
This book reflects the unity and direction of Singaporean Malay poetry. It displays the works of 44 poets, including established individuals and lesser known individuals. This allows us to witness the development of literature over time. While this book covers a wide area, Isa Kamari reminds us that it is not a mere anthology that claims perfection. The author’s interest is to draw up a portrait that is representative, based on his own research interests and reflections… Read More >
Faith, Authority and the Malays: The Ulama in Contemporary Singapore by Norshahril Saat
This book seeks to examine the various roles played by the Ulama in contemporary Singapore in the religious public sphere. It also accounts the ways the group shapes the religious life of the Malay/Muslim community here. By setting the context to be post-1965 Singapore, this study mainly locates their influence in the various domains of public life, understands the social bases of their authority and power, and examines the contributions towards the various challenges in the context of modernization and social change… Read More >
Falsafah Pengkaryaan Melayu Singapura oleh Mohamed Pitchay Gani Mohamed Abdul Aziz
This book examines the thoughts of some literary heroes after the separation, namely Masuri S.N., Muhd Ariff Ahmad, Suratman Markasan, Mohamed Latiff Mohamed and Abdul Ghani Hamid. It is an effort to identify the motivation of Singaporean writers to produce works of great value in recording the history of the nation and the homeland, and to generate innovative ideas… Read More >
Kesusasteraan Melayu Singapura: Kumpulan Puisi Melayu (1930-2015) by Suratman Markasan
This book is complete with poems written by Singaporeans who first wrote in the pre-war era to the present. The poets are grouped into four: the Pre-World War, the ‘50s, during Pre-Independence, and Post-Independence. Suratman Markasan also incorporates his own methodology for using these poetry materials. The authors include surviving and deceased writers… Baca lebih lanjut
Heritage, Culture and Society: Critical Voices of Young Malays by Azhar Ibrahim Alwee & Norshahril Saat
We often hear the call for youth to be active in community projects, engagement and voluntary work. This call is commendable and necessary. But as a community, we need to be conscious that engagement and community involvement cannot be divorced from commitment and affiliation to discursive activities. The latter demands a good grasp of issues, challenges and potentialities…. Read More >
Nilawarisan: Budaya, Bahasa, Sastera & Seni Berlanggam by Azhar Ibrahim Alwee, dkk.
Delve into the rich tapestry of Malay heritage with Nilawarisan: Budaya, Bahasa, Sastera dan Seni Berlanggam, the latest addition to the esteemed Singapore Malay Heritage Series by the Malay Heritage Foundation (MHF). Edited by MHF Vice-Chairman, Dr. Azhar Ibrahim Alwee, this profound book offers a fresh lens on the Malay community’s cultural legacy through the eyes of young scholars hailing from Southeast Asia….. Read More >
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MHF juga boleh memilih untuk menyokong karya / judul penerbitan yang sesuai dengan objektif MHF dan termasuk dalam bidang fokus kami.
Bergantung kepada kesesuaian projek dan kesinambungan matlamatnya dengan objektif MHF, MHF boleh menyokong karya-karya tersebut melalui cara-cara berikut:
- Sebutan kredit "Disokong oleh Yayasan Warisan Melayu Ltd"
- Menghubungkan organisasi rakan kongsi dengan agensi-agensi pembiayaan yang sesuai
- Menggunakan nama MHF untuk permohonan pembiayaan kepada agensi-agensi nasional, bagi pihak organisasi rakan kongsi.
Sebagai contoh, untuk menyokong usaha mendokumentasikan warisan masakan masyarakat Melayu, Pengerusi, MHF, Puan Zuraidah Abdullah, menyumbang Kata Pengantar kepada Buku Ringkas Warisan Singapura: Masakan Warisan Melayu Rita Zahara. Timbalan Pengerusi, MHF, Dr Suriani Suratman juga akan memberikan Kata Pengantar bagi buku keduanya yang akan diterbitkan pada tahun 2015.
Pada 2019, MHF bekerjasama dengan Dr. Mohamed Pitchay Gani Mohamed Abdul Aziz untuk menerbitkan koleksi makalah penyelidikannya yang telah dibentangkan di seminar tempatan dan juga luar negara. Penyelidikan dan dokumentasi ini memberikan pandangan kritikal mengenai motivasi dan falsafah yang telah memberi inspirasi kepada banyak generasi penulis Melayu Singapura. Diterbitkan bersempena dengan peringatan Bicentennial Singapura, buku ini telah dicalonkan untuk Hadiah Sastera Singapura 2020.
Hal-hal lain tentang hak dan sebutan kredit boleh dibincangkan dengan lebih lanjut supaya dapat mencerminkan usaha kerjasama dalam penerbitan sesebuah karya.
Panggilan Terbuka bagi Cadangan Penerbitan
Due to our multicultural environment and historical as well as cultural links to the wider Malay world (Nusantara), many of our cultural practices and art forms have also evolved in response to Singapore’s context. To date, there is not much writing or research to document these developments and growth. As such, MHF is open to collaborate with writers on this documentation efforts. The topics and areas of focus we are interested in are as follows:
- Evolusi dan perkembangan amalan budaya dan seni kita, terutamanya warisan budaya yang tidak ketara;
- Social history and cultural development of Malays in Singapore; and
- Socio-economic life and the spirit of enterprise of the Malay community in Singapore.
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