The Malay Heritage Foundation


WarisanSG is an online publication platform to document and facilitate the dissemination of quality Malay heritage information and stories (narratives), thereby enhancing awareness and appreciation of expert knowledge on Malay heritage.

Cendekiawan Lestari Series (CLS) Papers feature a collection of ideas and perspectives, based on various topics related to the Singaporean Malay community and culture written by our Malay prominent figures and key thought-leaders. Ikon-Ikon Warisan Melayu SG (SG Malay Heritage Icons) feature exclusive interviews with Singaporean Malay arts and cultural practitioners and activists who have made a significant impact to our cultural heritage. Suara Belia (Voices of Youth) on the other hand, features a collection of articles, based on a wide range of topics related to our cultural heritage, written by passionate, young and emerging Malay writers. 

Click here to learn the story behind the WarisanSG logo design. 

Cendekiawan Lestari Series (CLS) Papers - Season 1

“Malays in the National Imagination: Defining our Identity” by Professor Yaccob Ibrahim

“Masalah Eurosentrisme dalam Pengkajian Alam Melayu Ke Arah Ilmu Mandiri” by Professor Syed Farid Alatas

“Masyarakat Melayu Singapura: Isu Agama, Budaya dan Identiti” by Cikgu Maarof Salleh

“Melayu Arif Budiman: Jejak Perjalanan Sejarah Mencari Jatidiri dan Menerokai Visi Kebudayaan Melayu di Tengah Alam Jagatraya” by Assoc. Professor Hadijah Rahmat

“Bahasa Melayu Dijunjung, Bahasa Inggeris Digendong: Perspektif Perancangan Bahasa Melayu Menjelang 2065” by Dr. Mohamed Aidil Subhan Bin Mohamed Sulor

“Reflections on the Singapore Muslim Community: Cultural progress and Impediments” by Assoc. Professor Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman

Cendekiawan Lestari Series (CLS) Papers - Season 2

“Impact of Historical Realities on the
Future of Malay Heritage in Singapore” by Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed

“Pendidikan Islam Di Nusantara: Tradisional, Moderen Dan Masa Depan” by Ustaz Abdul Manaf Rahmat

“Forgotten Wisdom of Firasat” by Mr. Isa Kamari

“Bahasa Melambangkan Bangsa?” by Dr. Mohamed Pitchay Gani Mohamed Abdul Aziz

“Malays in the National Imagination: Defining our Identity” by Professor Yaccob Ibrahim

“Masalah Eurosentrisme dalam Pengkajian Alam Melayu Ke Arah Ilmu Mandiri” by Professor Syed Farid Alatas

“Masyarakat Melayu Singapura: Isu Agama, Budaya dan Identiti” by Cikgu Maarof Salleh

“Melayu Arif Budiman: Jejak Perjalanan Sejarah Mencari Jatidiri dan Menerokai Visi Kebudayaan Melayu di Tengah Alam Jagatraya” by Assoc. Professor Hadijah Rahmat

“Bahasa Melayu Dijunjung, Bahasa Inggeris Digendong: Perspektif Perancangan Bahasa Melayu Menjelang 2065” by Dr. Mohamed Aidil Subhan Bin Mohamed Sulor

Ikon-Ikon Warisan Melayu SG
(SG Malay Heritage Icons)

Suara Belia
(Voices of Youth)

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