The Malay Heritage Foundation

Seminars and Workshops

Cendekiawan Lestari (Masterclass) Series

Cendekiawan Lestari (Masterclass) Series (CLS) is a discursive platform where the contributions and ideas of prominent figures and key Malay intellectuals and intelligentsia in contemporary Singapore, share and pass on their knowledge to the present and future generation.  

The objectives of CLS are as follows:

  • To recognise and appreciate leading Malay intellectuals and intelligentsias in contemporary Singapore, promote critical thinking, cultivate culture of learning and safeguard our local intellectual tradition;
  • To give prominence to our thought leadership and enhance our cultural and intellectual capital; and
  • To engage key stakeholders and community members, both young and old, in the arts, cultural and heritage sectors as well as those in the institutes of higher learning (IHLs).

CLS will mostly be delivered in Malay, depending on the speaker’s preference. To register for CLS, follow MHF on Facebook, LinkedIn or subscribe to the newsletter to be notified of any announcements.

Below is a list of CLS topics covered so far:

Professor Yaacob IbrahimMalays in the National Imagination: Defining Our Identity*
Professor Syed Farid AlatasEurocentrism, Malay Studies and Autonomous Knowledge*
Cikgu Maarof SallehMasyarakat Melayu Singapura: Isu Agama, Budaya & Identiti
(Singapore’s Malay Community: Issues on Religion, Culture & Identity)
Assoc. Prof. Hadijah RahmatMelayu Arif Budiman: Jejak Perjalanan Mencari Jatidiri dan Menerokai Visi Kebudayaan Melayu di Tengah Alam Jagatraya
Dr. Mohamed Aidil Subhan Mohamed SulorBahasa Melayu Dijunjung, Bahasa Inggeris Digendong — Perancangan Bahasa Melayu di Singapura Menjelang 2065
(Revering the Malay Language in an English-knowing Environment — Malay Language Planning in Singapore towards 2065)
Assoc. Prof. Noor Aisha Abdul RahmanReflections on the Singapore Muslim Community: Cultural Progress and Impediments*
Mr. Zainul Abidin RasheedImpact of Historical Realities on the Future of Malay Heritage in Singapore*
Ustaz Abdul Manaf RahmatPendidikan Islam di Nusantara: Tradisional, Moderen dan Masa Depan
(Islamic Education in The Malay Archipelago: Traditional, Modern and The Future) 
Mr. Isa KamariThe Forgotten Wisdom of Firasat*
Dr. Sa’eda Buang

Memburu Nashkah Nadir di Tengah Kota Singa 
(Hunting Rare Texts in the Heart of the Lion City)

Dr. Mohamed Pitchay Gani
Mohamed Abdul Aziz
Bahasa Melambangkan Bangsa?
(Language Symbolises Race?)
Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Faishal IbrahimThe Singapore Malay/Muslim Community: Preventing Offending and Re-Offending Behavior – Efforts, Successes, and Challenges*

*These lectures were delivered in English.


Wacana Warisan Series (WWS) is a series of online lectures that aim to encourage the development of new and alternative approaches to understanding Malay history, economy, politics, society, and culture. Beyond the clichés and convenient mainstream narratives, lie many lesser-known facets of the Malay community in Singapore.

The first season of WWS was a year-long programme comprising 12 sessions from January to December 2021 and delivered by MHF Vice-Chairman, Dr. Azhar Ibrahim Alwee. The second season of WWS featured five different speakers. Participants who attended at least 80% of the webinars were issued a Certificate of Attendance. WWS lectures will mostly be delivered in Malay. To register for WWS, follow MHF on Facebook, LinkedIn or subscribe to the newsletter to be notified of any announcements.

Below is a list of WWS topics covered so far:

January 2021Ceritera Singapura dari Sulalatus Salatin: Sejarah Melayu
(Stories of Singapore in the Malay Annals)
February 2021Aksara Jawi: Kesaksian Sejarah dan Sumbangan yang Menghidupi
(The Jawi Script: Witness to History and Contributors to our Living Legacy)
March 2021The Heritage in Texts and Books: The Euphoria in Heritage Making*
April 2021Buku Sejarah Kita: Yang Popular dan Yang Populist
(Our History Books: The Popular and the Populist)
May 2021Syair-Syair Melayu yang Membilang: Dari Hamzah Fansuri ke Tuan Simi 
(Well-Known Malay Poetry: From Hamzah Fansuri to Tuan Simi)
June 2021Abdullah Munsyi: A Man of Letters as Historical Witness of an Epoch of Transition*
July 2021Sastera Melayu: Kecendekiawan Berseni Kata
(Malay Literary Works: The Art of Our Wordsmiths and Intellectuals)
August 2021The Destiny of Language and Its Relation to Heritage*
September 2021Cendekiawan Melayu: Yang Menawan dan Melawan dalam Sejarah
(Malay Intellectuals: Beauty and the “Beast” in History)
October 2021Menyanggah Romantisme dalam
Wacana Warisan Melayu

(Countering Romanticism in Discourses on Malay Heritage)
November 2021Santri and Kitab Kuning: Intellectual Traditions of the Malay World*
December 2021Seri dan Seni Batik:
Lukisan Sejarah Budaya Nusantara

(The Art and Beauty of Batik: Portrayal of Cultural History of the Nusantara)
April 2022Intercultural Animal Fables of The Nusantara*
(By Dr. Nazry Bahrawi)
May 2022

Concept of Heroes Amongst Malay Children*
(By Dr. Roszalina Rawi)

Sejarah Sastera dalam Dunia Kritikan Sastera Melayu:
Kelebihan dan Keterbatasannya

(History of Literature in The World of Malay Literary Criticism: Its Strengths and Limitations)
(By Dr. Noridah Kamari)

October 2022NEWNILAI: Menjenguk Semula Arif Budiman – Pengalaman Seorang Pendidik
(NEWNILAI: Revisiting Arif Budiman – An Educator’s Experience)
(By Dr. Nor Hanisah Saphari)
November 2022Recognising Tarian Melayu’s Contribution to Singapura’s Sociocultural History Pre-Nationstate*
(By Dr. Amin Farid)

*These webinars were delivered in English.

Sembang Ilmu Series

Organised in collaboration with the NUS Malay Studies Society (NUSMSS), Sembang Ilmu Series (SIS) is a discursive platform for our youths and young professionals to deliberate and discuss issues relating to the socio-cultural development of the Malays in Singapore, from a contemporary perspective.

The forum-style sessions invite a panel of speakers from undergraduates to lecturers, to present their perspectives on a wide range of topics related to Malay culture and community. Depending on the speaker’s preference, SIS will primarily be delivered in English. To register for SIS, follow MHF on Facebook, LinkedIn or subscribe to the newsletter to be notified of any announcements.

Below is a list of SIS topics covered so far:

14 March 2020(Re)Visiting Histories: Writing a History of the Malays*
12 September 2020Ada Apa dengan Bahasa?
(What’s with Language?)
6 February 2021Understanding Our Past, Building for the Future — Malay Youths & History Making*
3 April 2021Arts and Humanities in Community Building: The Young Perspective*
11 September 2021Kita dengan Bahasa, Tumbuh Sampai ke Mana?
(Us with Language, Where will it Grow?)
26 March 2022

Sahabat Sastera @ Sembang Ilmu – Nilawarisan: Budaya, Bahasa, Sastera & Seni Berlanggam

22 May 2022

Sahabat Sastera @ Sembang Ilmu – Nilawarisan: Budaya, Bahasa, Sastera & Seni Berlanggam (Bahagian II)

26 November 2022

Cradle to Grave – From Tradition to Preservation*

18 March 2023

Asatizah Berwarisan – Turath: Warisan Keagamaan dan Keilmuan Islam di Alam Melayu

3 June 2023

Asatizah Berwarisan – The Evolution of Islamic Education*

19 August 2023

Asatizah Berwarisan – Haj & Umrah*

28 October 2023

Asatizah Berwarisan – Maulid dalam Tradisi Melayu Islam

*These lectures were delivered in English.

Sembang Ilmu Plus(+) Series

Sembang Ilmu Plus(+) or SIP(+) is a spin-off from MHF’s previous event, Sembang Ilmu, a youth-led forum for the articulation to engage and empower our youths on issues related to Malay heritage, culture, and the arts known as Sembang Ilmu Seminar Series or SIS. SIS (roughly translates to “Let’s Chill & Chat!” in English), which debuted on 14 March 2020, was designed as a discursive platform organised by youth for youth. MHF extended the outreach of this platform to youths from other ethnic groups, by launching SIP(+) at Chamber, The Arts House on 18 June 2022.

 SIP(+) is a discursive platform for our youths and young professionals to deliberate and discuss issues relating to the socio-cultural development of Singapore from a contemporary perspective. The forum-style session features a panel of speakers, practitioners, and professionals from the arts and heritage field, presenting their views on wide-ranging topics related to culture and community. All SIPS sessions will be delivered in English. To register for SIS, follow MHF on Facebook, LinkedIn or subscribe to the newsletter to be notified of any announcements.

Below is a list of SIP(+) topics covered so far:

18 June 2022Art and Heritage for/in Society
28 January 2023Re-creation of Heritage: Looking at the Past for the Future
7 October 2023Community Building through Cultural Arts
4 November 2023Language and Our Worlds: A Forum on the Power of Language to Shape Our Lives
18 November 2023Empowering Our Youths for Cultural Excellence
17 February 2024The Destiny of Heritage – Our Common Challenges
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