The Malay Heritage Foundation


Donation Tiers

Rakan Warisan (Friend): $ 50 – $ 4,999
Rakan usually refer to a group of people who share a similar interest and/or support similar causes.  The phrase “rakan-rakan seperjuangan” is referenced from such a relationship.

Sahabat Warisan (Companion): $ 5,000 – $ 9,999
Sahabat is an Arabic word used to refer to your close friends and companions, usually those who would really go the extra mile for you, and be with you through thick and thin.

Wira Warisan (Supporter): $ 10,000 – $ 49,999
Wira is a term used to refer to a warrior, someone who is willing to fight for you and your cause.

 Jagoh Warisan (Champion): $ 50,000 – $ 999,999
Jagoh means a champion. So, in this sense, it refers to someone who is willing to support and go that extra mile to champion your cause.

Andika Warisan (Benefactor): $ 100,000 – $ 999,999
Andika is one of the highest accolades and a noble title bestowed to warriors that bring pride and honour to the reigning Sultanate. 

Jauhar Warisan (Patron): $ 1,000,000 – $ 1,999,999
Jauhar refers to someone who is really wise and has a deep knowledge about things.  This is referenced from the Malay proverb, “hanya jauhari yang mengenal manikam” which means that only those who are wise and knowledgeable will be able to identify the real beauty and value of knowledge.

Budiman Warisan (Distinguished Patron): $ 2 million and above
Budiman refers to someone who epitomises the highest form of benevolence, compassion, good manners and exemplary behaviour and always doing good for society. It comes from the root word ‘budi’ which is one of the core values of being a Malay.  There is a Malay proverb that says “orang berbudi, kita berbahasa, orang memberi, kita merasa” which translates to mean that we (or the society) will reap the great benefits from someone who is truly generous and benevolent.

Donor Wall (from 2012 to present)

Our deepest appreciation to all our donors for their generosity and support Their gift helped us to power the preservation and transmission of our heritage to the next generation. They have demonstrated their belief in the transformative and lasting impact heritage has, in educating and empowering our young and fostering strong social relationships that will nurture a common heart, mindshare and build a strong inclusive Singapore.

$100,000 – $ 999,999
Temasek Foundation

$ 50,000 – $ 99,999
Singapore Press Holdings Ltd

$10,000 – $ 49,999
Hong Leong Foundation
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS)
Ms Yeoh Chee Yan
The Silent Foundation
Mdm Zuraidah Abdullah

$ 5,000 – $ 9,999
Comfort Delgro Corporation Ltd
Halijah Travels Pte Ltd
Lee Foundation
Malay Language and Learning Promotions Committee (MLLPC)
Rohan Mah & Partners
The Shaw Foundation
Professor Tommy Koh
Warees Land Pte Ltd
Yahya Abdulhussain Lukmanji Saif Charity Trust

$ 50 – $ 4,999
Dr Alexander Wiegand
Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP)
Ms Aileen Tan (Blu Jaz Pte Ltd)
Ms Aysha Mohamed Rahmat Shah
Berita Harian
Bukit Timah MAEC c/o Bukit Timah CCMC
Bushra Café
Mr Chan Boon Kheng
Courts Asia Ltd
D.S Lee Specialists Group
De Meyer Arnooud Cyreil Leo
Erco Lighting Pte Ltd
Eunos Citizens Consultative Committee
Eunos Community Clus Management Committee
Ms Fazlin Abdullah
Mr Fox Matthew Ryan
Gaprom Marketing & Trading Singapore Pte Ltd
Goodrich Global Pte Ltd
Assoc Prof Hadijah Rahmat
Ms Harum
Mr Idris Rashid Khan Surattee
Ms Ismarni Ismail
Jamiyah Singapore
Kg Glam Community Club
Kg Gelam Business Association
Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple
Ms Karen Wong Xue Qi
Mr Lee Xin Lee
Lembaga Biasiswa Kenangan Maulud (LBKM)
Mr Liew Kai Khiun
Mr Lim Huey Yuee
Mr Lim Swee Say
Mr Lin Dongyu
Loyang Tua Pek Kong
Makansutra Pte Ltd
Mr Matthew Teng Wen Liang
Mediacorp Pte Ltd
Mr Mohamed Abidin Ahmad
Mr Mohammad Affendy Abdullah
Mr Mohammad Azree Rahim
Mr Muhammad Firdaus Norman
Mr Muhammad Hamzah Masagoes Zainal Abidin
Mr Muhammad Kamsani Hussein
Muhammadiyah Association
Mr Muhammad Ridzwan Shahadan Anggulia
NTUC Fairprice Foundation
Number Ten Pte Ltd
Ms Nur Aqilah Mohamed Nasser
Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd
Ms Patricia Grace Pecache Hamoy
Mr Phong Quan
Rohan Mah and Partners
RSP Architects Planners and Engineers (Pte) Ltd
Rumah Makan Minang Pte Ltd
Sabar Menanti II
Safer Wireline Operations Research and Development (SWORD) Pte Ltd
Shahidah Travel & Tours Pte Ltd
Ms Sharliza Abdul Rahman
Shing Design Atelier
Ms Siti Ramziyani Ramdzan
Mr Sourajit Bhownick
Dr Alexander Wiegand
Mr Suhaimi Ali
Mr Tony Chew
The Muslim Converts’ Association of Singapore
The Nutgraf
Towner Construction
Unison Systems Pte Ltd
Vector Scorecard (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd
Warees Investment Pte Ltd
Warong Nasi Pariaman
Dr Yaacob Ibrahim

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